300 glimpses that sear the eyes that see, 300 whispers that ring the ears that hear.

— An Amazon Reviewer

300 glimpses that sear the eyes that see, 300 whispers that ring the ears that hear. Each one coming from a vantage point far beyond our ken, yet familiar in its thudding, sheer pertinence.

All together they combine to portray a substantial witness to a reality greater than our mundane existence, a composite, point-by-point description that in sum says: there is more to life than you know, and this is something you have always sensed yet never knew to articulate.

It is marvelous for the bedside, just a minute’s worth of reading before lights out, a terrific solace for insomnia; meditating on these passages is a great practice when sleep won’t come–much relief from tension by simply experiencing the truth and the presence of the voice from heaven.

The problem with this book is that it is possible to be riveted by each and every poignant passage, even to be stopped in the reading by the need to just take it in, and then to drift, to forget, to return to mundane activities with only the slightest shift in perspective, with only a feeling that there is something out there that must be known, a “what is it?” dimly felt.
